Our Story

Established in 2006,  the Lullabye Foundation is a group of individuals who exist to create good nights, sweet dreams and sun-filled days for children and their families who are lost in the shadows of the communities where they live. We come from all kinds of backgrounds. Some of us are quite accomplished according to the world’s standards. Most of us are just regular people trying our best to make a few good things happen for kids who need a boost - at home, and in other places where they live out their lives.  We are artists, storytellers, businessmen and women, educators, counselors, doctors, lawyers, people from every background sharing a common thread; a passion for children and families.



Marlie's Bill of Rights for Kids

(written by Marlie - Sally and Dennis Meyer's granddaughter - at age 10)

  • Every Kid has the Right to be loved and respected.
  • Every Kid has the Right to be safe at home and at school.
  • Every Kid has the Right to attend school—and to get there safely.
  • Every Kid has the Right to a clean, healthy body.
  • Every Kid has the Right to wear clean clothes, especially underwear and socks.
  • Every Kid has the Right to wear clothes that fit—especially shoes.
  • Every Kid has the Right to have enough food to eat.
  • Every Kid has the Right to have all the school supplies he/she needs to succeed.
  • Every Kid has the Right to have time for work and for play.
  • Every Kid has the Right to have her/his own bed to sleep on.
  • Every Kid has the Right to dream dreams.